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Gilmar Mendes acusa STJ de negar prestação jurisdicional

Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) President Gilmar Mendes speaks during the session examining whether the 2014 reelection of president Dilma Rousseff and her then vice president Michel Temer should be invalidated because of corrupt campaign funding, in Brasilia, on June 9, 2017. The lead judge looking into corruption during Brazil's 2014 presidential election voted Friday to strip President Michel Temer of his mandate, but the overall result remained unclear, with six judges yet to weigh in. / AFP PHOTO / EVARISTO SA

O ministro Gilmar Mendes, (foto) do STF, destacou na sessão desta terça, 10, crítica em relação a decisões dos ministros das turmas de Direito Penal do STJ. Enquanto julgava HCs do ex-governador Sérgio Cabral, o ministro falou em recomendação de “que o STJ tem que ter cuidado” porque “de tanto negar a prestação jurisdicional ele pode… Continuar lendo Gilmar Mendes acusa STJ de negar prestação jurisdicional